At Messiah, it is our desire to create a Christ-centered community where each person, regardless of age or any other label society may put upon us, may find reassurance, peace and a sanctuary in a world that is always changing and unsure.
Saturday Service
5:30pm (traditional) In-person in the Sanctuary Daily Prayer Online Click Here Monday - Saturday at 10:00am Meeting ID: 859 4027 5299 Passcode: 081575 |
Sunday Service
9:00am (traditional) In-person in the Sanctuary and on Zoom Worship Zoom Information Click Here Meeting ID: 805 78 7233 No Passcode required Sunday School 10:15am (Adult and Children) On Break for the Summer |
Upcoming Events
All women are invited to attend our 7th annual Fall Retreat sponsored by Messiah Women’s Ministry at Lutheran Hills in Brown County. The theme this year is “Stepping Out with Jesus”. Our retreat focuses on this verse, “As you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him.” Colossians 2:6. Early Bird registration is July 20-August 23. Regular Registration August 24-Sept 6. Retreat information and registration forms will be available for pickup on a table in the Gathering Area at church or on this website. If you have any questions contact Kathy Cooper at [email protected] or call the church office at (317)852-2988.